Overseas adventures“Explore Iraq: The Top 10 Must-See Experiences in this Surprising Travel Destination

Overseas adventures“Explore Iraq: The Top 10 Must-See Experiences in this Surprising Travel Destination

Explore Iraq: ⁤The Top 10 Must-See Experiences

In recent times ⁤the reputation of Iraq has taken a bit of⁣ a battering within the international community. ⁢This is not wholly deserved, although it is true that Iraq has seen‌ its fair share of troubles and political⁤ unrest.‌ However, ⁤despite‍ the current ⁢situation,​ Iraq remains⁣ a‍ country of immense charm and character and has a ⁤host of ⁣hidden gems that are worth exploring, with ‍plenty ​of adventurous travel experiences on offer. If you’re looking for⁤ an exciting and unique travel destination, then‌ look no further than Iraq.

Here, we guide you through the 10 best must-see experiences in⁣ Iraq.

1. Absorb​ the History of Erbil

Erbil is a prosperous⁣ city in​ Iraqi ‍Kurdistan,⁢ and the 4,000-year-old citadel, located in the heart of the city, is a designated UNESCO World Heritage ⁣Site. A visit to the bazaar is essential, with many wonderful handicrafts available to purchase at‍ souvenir markets and shops. Additionally, ⁣explore traditional houses or browse the many museums located on the citadel⁤ grounds, depicting ⁢the rich heritage of the area.

2. Spend ⁤Time⁤ in Basra

For the more intrepid traveler, a visit to Basra is⁤ a must.‍ Basra is more conservative than Kurdistan, and dress is‍ required to be more formal, such as long loose fitting abaya dresses, widely available in markets. Visit the ⁢picturesque ‌waterfront, the grand mosques, the ancient House ​of​ Wisdom, and take a tour of nearby marshes to⁤ observe traditional lifestyle.

3. ‍Take in the⁣ Natural Beauty of ⁣Choman

If you’re after breathtaking natural beauty, ‌then a ⁤visit to Choman could be just the ticket. This town, near the border with Iran, offers spectacular mountain scenery,⁢ as well as trekking opportunities amidst the beautiful valleys and caves

4. Experience Sulaymaniyah’s Culture

This large city is renowned ⁢for its culture, inclusive atmosphere,‌ and ⁣friendly people. An​ interesting​ visit is the Sulaymaniyah Museum which houses one of the largest collections of Iraqi antiques and artifacts. ‌Other⁣ attractions include the traditional Grand Bazaar and the Saddam Mosque, which is one of‌ the‍ most prominent in Iraq.

5. Delight in the Persian-style ⁣Gardens of Kifri

Not far from Sulaymaniyah is the beautiful ⁤town of Kifri, which draws its character and charm from its stylish Ottoman-era architecture, majestic Persian-style gardens,⁤ and modern residential areas. ‌The Explore Iraq⁢ Tour from‍ Sharf ‌Tours​ is an excellent way to take in this incredible town.

6. Sip ⁤Tea⁤ in Hamadan

Hamadan is an ‍ancient Heritage City and it boasts some of ⁣the‍ best Persian-style wooden houses. It is also‌ a great spot to take time out to⁢ enjoy a cozy ⁤cup of ‍chai (tea), and a​ delicious Iranian-style breakfast.

7. Visit the Beaches Of Ardalan

If you’re seeking a more relaxed experience, then​ a visit‌ to⁢ Ardalan is an ideal trip. Enjoy a stay ​at the charming hacienda-style hotel near the beach and⁢ explore ​the beautiful blue waters ‍of the Persian Gulf, go swimming, fishing and birding, or do some shopping in the bustling markets full of ‌locally made wares.

8. Take a Cruise On The ⁢Euphrates River

For those that like to get away from​ it all, an exhilarating⁢ river cruise ‍down the ⁢mighty Euphrates River is⁢ definitely‌ the way to go. Leaving from the ancient cities of Samarra⁢ or Baghdad, this tour takes you past historical⁣ sites, breathtaking landscape, and local villages.

9. Explore the Culture and Cuisine of ⁢Kirkuk

Kirkuk ‌is known for its interesting mix of Kurdish, Arab, and Turkmen cultures.⁤ Despite the recent unrest, ‌it has come back to‌ life as people⁢ return to take ​advantage of the wonderful hospitality and ⁢vibrant nightlife. Enjoy incredible cuisine ranging from Kebab, Tandoori, and Arabic dishes, to Bahlawan featuring traditional ⁢Kurdish pastries

10. Enjoy ⁢an Authentic Home-Cooked Meal ⁢in Mosul

This ancient city ​is now starting to⁤ reclaim its ​former glory and hospitality. You won’t be disappointed with a visit there. Highly recommended⁣ is the opportunity to experience authentic home-cooked meals with​ local people. This⁤ is a great way to gain a true insight into ⁣Mosul’s and ‌Iraq’s exile culture.

From bustling markets ​to ancient historical sites, an adventure awaits you in‍ Iraq. With plenty of exciting possibilities to choose from, you’ll sure to ⁣find something to your⁣ liking. ⁢So‌ why not start planning your travel to this⁢ surprisingly inviting destination now.

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